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We created the new categorie Mods in our downloadsection
You can find there older tools, which you can find on nearly no website anymore.
We do not provide any support for the tools of other developers.
Please do not use this files to cheat in multiplayermode.

Bewerte die Truppen

Ab jetzt kann man die einzelnen Truppen nach ihrer Multiplayertauglichkeit bewerten.

Zugegebenerweise ist dieses Feature noch nicht bei allen Truppen integriert (bzw. nur beim Imperium), aber wir werden es so schnell wie möglich überall einfügen.

Update: Ab jetzt ist es auch bei den Grünhäuten möglich. Die Untoten werden in Kürze folgen

Update 2: Last but not least sind jetzt auch noch die Untoten bewertbar

Next in Chapter 3

Since I simply did not know how to use my time effectively, I just go in the campaign read Section, which is a lot of fun to read:)
3-3 The Road To Kislev

If you have been wondering why it has been a week since last update. We have rewrttien almost all links, so they are no longer in such sufficient numbers to cause chaos and are instead presented with more meaningful text, as z.B. Campaign.html oder Troops/imperium/Grudgebringer Cavalry.html
These links have just been activated, so have lots of fun:).

After a week off, for "creative pause" Work is finally beginning on Chapter 3. So far, only the text to Mission 3-1 "Road To Kislev" online.Mission 3-1 "Road to Kislev" online.
On Chapters 1 and 2, incidentally, I have the items with the chapters linked to help them in "similar items". Thus, chapter 1 and 2 (first) completes.
I wanted to actually still enter 3-2, but because of my laziness is probably nothing. I am pleased when bembelimen returns, as he motivates me;).;).
Edit: At last I have had time to work on : Mission 3-2 "Attack on the Goblin Camp". There are lots of meaningfull information described in this section; Enjoy the Lesson!

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