Here you can find a short description, a list of the allied and hostile regiments and a general map for every level, including a Movie.
Select chapter:
Chapter 1 - The undead have risen
In this chapter the adventure goes off. With the help of captain Bernhardt and his grudgebringers he will at first only defend a small trading post before goblins, afterwards you are posted to Altdorf and get the order to protect the border counties against the Orcs. However, it does not keep to it and you will soon meet the undead which will follow you through the complete game.
Chapter 2 - The jewel of Morslib
In the book of the death Volkmar had found out that three objects must be found and destroyed to weaken the power of the undead. The first object is the jewel of Morslib which is in castle Drakenhof. Also the countess was kidnapped there. Bernhardt gets the order to find the last and strongest Vampire Manfred von Carstein which is also owner of the castle, to destroy the jewel and to save the countess.
Chapter 3 - The hand of Nagash
Manfred von Carstein is conquered and the juwel didn't reach the hands of the Dread King. But this was ohly part of a victory. The next intention is to destroy the Hand of Nagash, a necromancer, who is captured in a glacier in the frosty region of Kislev. The Undead are already busy with liberating the Hand, so Bernhardt has to hurry...
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