Hamachi in your profil!
Now it is possible to add your Hamachi-IP to your profile. Than everybody can see your online-status. Just edit your profile (click here). Scroll down to Hamachi. For further information move your mouse cursor on the info icon to the right of the edit field. {comment} Add comment (0)
Sylvania und Schloss Drakenhof veröffentlicht
Chapter 2 is finished! I just have to do some small changes than I will beginn with Chapter 3.
Mission "2-5 Sylvania"
Mission 2-6 Drakenhof Castle"
New Design/New PM-System/New Download-System
As well as you can see something has changed a little bit:
Because it is still dewy, maybe some (hopefully small) mistake will appear certainly. We would be pleased very much if you report all mistake to us, so that we can fix them as quickly as possible.
As the second innovation there is a new PM System for registered users. Look right in the Usermenu. Enjoy.
At last one day later still a new download component was furnished.
So and now writes your opinion to us about the new design. {comment}
2000 Besucher erreicht
Etwa vor 1 Monat hatten wir 1000 Besucher, nun, am 3. August, sind es bereits 2000, somit erfreut sich unsere Website immer größerer Beliebheit.
Kampagnen Spielstände als Download
Bei den Save Games hat es ein Update gegeben:
Ab jetzt sind auch die Save Games zu den Videos der Missionen 1-6-1 Verteidigung von Burg Helmgart, 1-7 Axtschartenpass, 2-1 Das Imperium, 2-2 Große Wälder, 2-3 Der Dampfpanzer abrufbar.
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