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Three Years Dark Omen Fansite!

Wow, this website already exists since three years now! We celebrate today (2/5/2010) the third birthday of this website. Three years ago the Dark Omen Community was sleeping but we were able to wake them. And now we are here. Lots of registered users and many Battles and Tournaments.

Thanks to all visitors for supporting us and to the modders of course for there great additions to Dark Omen.

The number of visitors is increasing from month to month. At the moment we have 300 visitors per day. Compared to the 100-150 visitors last year we doubled it!. At the moment we have a bit more then 500 (506) registred visitors, so we broke the 500 user boundary (last year we had 202). As a new part of the statistic we take a look at the number of forum posts: 5500 in one year. Our forum is becoming more and more active. There are no stats for the previous time but the sum of posts is 6500 (only 1000 posts one year ago). Let's see how many we will have in one year.

What happened during the last year? For a good summary I recommend reading the 2009 - A retrospect-Blog post.
I'm sure that the next year will bring us interesting things like the first preview version of WARTBED and Necrominicon. The first homebrewn map will be released this year too I guess and of course some self written script files but these two things need further investigations...

And finally the goals. I (Ghabry) wanted to finish the campaign this year but I failed in this task (but at least chapter 3 is finished), maybe next year.
  • Finish the 4th Chapter of the Campaign
  • Other stuff...

DO-Fansite Team
bembelimen and Ghabry
UPDATE - > Site has been handed over to Olly to continue http://forum.dark-omen.org/news/well-change-t780.0.html;msg8260#msg8260
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